Be My Eyes
Lend your eyes to the blind

Frequently asked questions

How can I help Be My Eyes?

First of all we need sighted helpers, if you have an iPhone 4s or newer running iOS 7, you can download here or if you have an Android phone please let of know here.
Volunteering for Be My Eyes is easy and unbinding.

How do blind people use an iPhone?

The iPhone has a great feature called VoiceOver which enables people who are completely blind to use an iPhone with synthetic speech and touch based interface. 

How do you ensure that the system won't get misused?

As a new user you will be met by a experienced helper and vice versa. By the end of each session there will be an opportunity to rate or report misuse, both for the helper and the user. People who misuse the system will be excluded from the network.

Will you make a version for other operating systems?

We would love to, but right now it is not possible, because the system we use can only handle video between iPhones. But we know that there are a lot of potential Android and Windows phone users out there.

If you want to make a Be My Eyes client for another platform check out our GitHub and get in touch on twitter.

How did the idea come about?

Our founder Hans Jørgen Wiberg, who is visually Impaired himself, came up with the idea and presented it at a Startup-weekend in Denmark April 2012.

What will the price be?

We are nonprofit, but there are cost related to keeping Be My Eyes up and running. By September 2015 our initial funding comes to an end, and we will have to come up with a sustainable business model. We consider a subscription model and/or donations.

Question not listed?

If your question is not answered there, please email us at info@bemyeyes.org or catch us on twitter